Forrester Corporation
Vacation Policy
Vacation time is available to all regular, actively working full-time employees who have completed at least six months of service.
Employees hired between January 1 and June 30 are eligible for one week's vacation with pay after completing six months of service. Employees commencing work after June 30 are not eligible for any vacation in the calendar year they begin employment, but will be eligible for one week's vacation in the following calendar year after completing six months of service. An additional one week of vacation becomes effective on the actual service anniversary date.
The following is the vacation accrual rate:
Years of Continuous Service:
After 1 Year
After 5 Years
After 10 Years
After 15 Years
Vacation Time:
10 Days
15 Days
20 Days
25 Days
Vacation time is accrued monthly following the first year anniversary date. Only in the first year of service are the six-month time periods applicable. Employees do not accrue vacation if on leave for more than five work days during a payroll period.
Vacations are not cumulative. Unused vacation may be carried over to the following year to a maximum of ten days, to be used by March 31 of the carryover year. We encourage you to use your vacation. If you do not take vacation within the allotted time, it will be forfeited.
Vacations must be scheduled with your supervisor's approval. Vacation pay must be requested at least 15 business days in advance.
If a holiday occurs during your vacation, the holiday or holidays will not be considered as part of the vacation period.
Employees who resign are given pay in lieu of unused (accrued) vacation, provided that two weeks prior written notice of resignation has been given. Vacation payment for unused vacation time is prorated on the basis of 1/12 of the annual vacation allotment for each completed month of service from your anniversary date. Employees who are discharged for cause, who have worked less than six months, or who dismissed or quit without two weeks notice will not be given pay in lieu of unused (accrued) vacation. Employees who retire will be paid for any vacation earned in the previous calendar year but not taken.
This policy may be modified, in whole or in part, at any time.